Monday, October 7, 2019

Strategic marketing management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Strategic marketing management - Coursework Example Sony, a leading firm in the rapidly changing digital appliance industry has continued to explore and establish new markets globally. In addition, the corporation has been dealing with customer electronics from the time the World War II ended. The company with their wide experience and participation in the global market for long, it has enabled the company to grow and become the global company and the wealthiest. The company markets its products and services globally under the famous trademark â€Å"Sony†, which is registered in more than 204 countries globally. These subsidiaries both in Japan and those distributed all over the world, has the responsibility of marketing the company’s products and services (Hodgson, 1998, p19). The Sony Corporation has more than 30 Subsidiaries Company in Japan and more than 50 subsidiaries outside Japan. Sony Marketing (Japan) Inc. has the role of sales and marketing of the company’s products. ... es that excel from given technological advancement or have been experiencing new inventions at entering the market; thus, posing challenge to Sony Corporation. Secondly, company has also experienced the aspect of price fluctuation from technological advancement and competitive dynamics thus influencing the aspect of demand and supply in the world market. For example, when the product prices of HDD rise, the profits of products experience pressure, which cannot be warranted. Thirdly, the company’s products have rapidly become obsolete thus shortening the product life cycle. Apart from internationalizing its products, the promoting the company undertakes marketing strategies the engage on research and development of potential markets globally. 1.1 Marketing strategy The modern theories dealing with marketing strategies emphasize the need for business and companies embrace the modern competitive strategies on the business environment. The theory by Anthony Freeling suggests that there is the need for business to embrace the element of agile, marketing strategy. The marketing agile will enable the company to respond to the issues of market demands without any difficulty. The theories on the marketing strategies need that the companies develop competitive strategies that will allow them compete with other rival companies effectively. According to the modern theories of strategic marketing, the traditional marketing strategies have proved to be slow and laborious in nature thus results in increasing the cost of operations of the company. Marketing strategy is a marketing approach that companies to capture market niche in the consumer environment use that. The business set-up utilizes and employs the use of marketing strategy to gain and maximize the optimal profit

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